Bolema – Food Packaging Photography
Montreal Smoked Meat
Yet another delicious sandwich made in Montreal and shot in our studio. Mouthwatering! As usual the range of the Phase One IQ is fantastic. Phase One IQ140 + 645DF Schneider 80mm LS 3 Profoto D1 + diffusers
“My cousin is also a commercial photographer”
Last project I have shot brought something familiar to my attention. The client was visibly (and understandably) upset that he had to redo a photo shoot for the items produced by his company after having a bad final result from yet another “commercial photographer” based in Montreal. Since I encounter this situation far too often I decided to …
About the technical aspect of product photography
Recently we had several clients coming after having bad experiences with cheap competitor “professionals”, on the local Montreal commercial photography scene. Unlike people photography which has a preponderant social aspect, achieving decent product or food photography require a lot of technical skills and the right equipment. We see a lot of examples were technical flaws are just ignored …
Read more “About the technical aspect of product photography”
Phase One Toronto Headshots
Recently we had a business headshot session in Toronto that proved to be surprisingly pleasant. We used the nice view from their office as background and the business workers were good looking too! Above is a sample which has almost no retouching. Gear used: 3x Profoto D1 with Octa 5′ softbox and 2 x 3/1 strip box Phase One IQ140 Schneider …
Montreal’s Finest Smoked Meat
For a professional food photographer the plates in front of the camera are rather “models” subject to light and composition. We are less compelled to “consume” our subject except, maybe, when this meal is produced by Montreal’s best smoke meat distributor. They just invented a new extravagant sandwich, incidentally called Mellogazmic, and they asked our studio to shoot it …