The Ultimate Montreal Commercial Photographer

Product and Object Photography

Carefully building up every commercial image, our team recognizes that every object is different and requires a different approach. We successfully achieved projects for the most difficult products such as reflective, macro or super-sized items.

Food Photography

We go great distances to make your food irresistible and “yummy”. We can shoot menu items on location or elaborate food set-ups in our studio (complete with a fully equipped kitchen). You want that drink splash frozen in time? Give us a call!

People and Headshots Photography

Creatively approaching every fashion pose, business headshot or casual portrait, we always take our time working together with you, to bring out the best of your visual qualities.

Montreal Commercial Photographer

By employing cutting-edge systems (Phase One, Fuji GFX and Profoto ) our team often exceeds the competitor commercial Montreal photographer studios, with regards to the image quality. We complement our work with the best digital processing tools money can buy, in order to reach the highest expectations of our commercial clients. Montreal photographer with a …

“Toying” around with a Phase One IQ

Recently I had the pleasure to work for a particular photography project. A Montreal company which produces toy-robots contacted me in order to create imagery that will refresh their commercial interface. Upon the first contact we realized that, in fact, we are geographically neighbors since their office is just in the next building from ours (what are the …

Phase One Toronto Headshots

Recently we had a business headshot session in Toronto that proved to be surprisingly pleasant. We used the nice view from their office as background and the business workers were good looking too! Above is a sample which has almost no retouching. Gear used: 3x Profoto D1  with Octa 5′ softbox and 2 x 3/1 strip box Phase One IQ140 Schneider …